New to HTML5 Canvas? Try out Canvas Pad

If you are new to HTML5 Canvas, I recommend you try out a tool I created on the IE Test Drive site called Canvas Pad.

If you’ve seen the Test Drive demos for hardware accelerated Canvas graphics, you are probably excited by the potential of this technology and want to learn more about it. With all major browsers supporting HTML5 Canvas, a scriptable 2D drawing context, Canvas is quickly becoming the natural choice for graphics on the web.

Even though the Canvas API, as defined in the HTML5 2D Context spec, has less than a hundred methods, attributes and interfaces, sometimes it’s easier to learn a technology by looking at sample code and simple demos.

Canvas Pad attempts to fulfill these needs. As the Internet Explorer Program Manager for Canvas, I find myself answering a lot of questions on how to do things in Canvas – I have seen great results by just pointing people to this tool.

As you can see from the image below, this site contains both a view of the actual Canvas and a script console containing the code generating the Canvas context. You can update the code and make real-time updates to the Canvas.

Canvas Pad

The Canvas Pad demo shows both the Canvas and sample code that you can manipulate.

Canvas Pad contains 22 samples on shapes, color/styles, line styles, shadows, text, images/videos, transformations, animations and mouse movement, which you can click through on the left hand pane. Further, below each sample, there is a reference to the API signature and the 2D Context spec definition of the API you are looking at.

I have found quite a few of my friends finding this tool useful to learn Canvas.  If I want to tinker with a new idea, sometimes I just open this up and drop some quick code. Try it out yourself!

Jatinder Mann

IEBlog: The Year in Review: W3C Web Performance Working Group

In this IEBlog article, I look back at a year in the W3C Web Performance Working Group:

17 Aug 2011 9:36 AM

Fast HTML5 Web applications benefit consumers who browse the Web and developers building innovative new experiences. Measuring performance characteristics of Web applications and writing efficient applications are two important aspects of making Web sites fast. Browser manufacturers can rapidly address developers’ needs through interoperable APIs when collaboratively partnering through the W3C.

One year ago today, the W3C announced the formation of a Web Performance Working Group chartered with two goals: making it easier to measure and understand the performance characteristics of Web applications and defining interoperable methods to write more CPU- and power-efficient applications.

Together with Google, Mozilla, Facebook, and other industry and community leaders who participate in the W3C Web Performance Working Group, we designed the Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, User Timing and Performance Timeline specifications to help developers accurately measure Web application performance. The first three specifications, Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, and User Timing, define interfaces for Web applications to access timing information related to the navigation of the document, resources on the page, and developer scripts, respectively. The Performance Timeline specification defines a unifying interface to retrieve this timing data.

Resource Timing, User Timing, and Performance Timeline specifications are all in the Last Call phase of specification. Last Call is a signal that the working group believes the spec is functionally complete and is ready for broad review from both other working groups and the public at large. This Last Call period extends until September 15, 2011. The Navigation Timing specification is already in the Candidate Recommendation phase and has two interoperable implementations, starting with Internet Explorer 9 and Chrome 6. Together these APIs help Web developers create faster and more efficient applications by providing insights into the performance characteristics of their applications that just weren’t possible before.

Over the last four months, the Web Performance Working Group defined interoperable methods to write more CPU- and power-efficient applications by producing the Page Visibility, Timing control for script-based animations, and Efficient Script Yielding specifications. The Page Visibility specification is in the Last Call phase until September 8th and has two implementations starting with the second IE10 Platform Preview and Chrome 13. The requestAnimationFrame API, from the Timing control for script-based animations specification, has three implementations starting with the second IE10 Platform Preview, Firefox 4 and Chrome 10. This specification is very close to entering Last Call. For more information on these two APIs, see the blog posts on using PC Hardware more efficiently with these APIs (link and link). IE10 is the first browser to implement the emerging setImmediate API from the Efficient Script Yielding specification.

It’s encouraging to see how much progress we’ve collectively made in just one year. These APIs are a great example of how quickly new ideas can become interoperable standards that developers can depend on in modern HTML5-enabled browsers. Thanks to everyone in the W3C Web Performance Working Group for helping design these APIs and to other browser vendors for starting to implement these APIs with an eye towards interoperability.

—Jatinder Mann, Program Manager, IE Performance

IEBlog: Using PC Hardware more efficiently in HTML5, Part 2

This IEBlog article is the second part of a two part series I wrote on using PC hardware more efficiently with new Web Performance APIs:

8 Jul 2011 12:56 PM

Web developers need API’s to efficiently take advantage of modern PC hardware through HTML5, improving the performance of Web applications, the power efficiency of the Web platform, and the resulting customer experience. The second IE10 Platform Preview supports emerging API’s from the W3C Web Performance Working Group which enable developers to make the most of the underlying hardware and use battery power more efficiently. This post details how to use Page Visibility, one of the emerging API’s, for better performance and power efficiency.

Page Visibility: adjust work depending on if the user is looking

Knowing whether a page is visible makes it possible for a developer to make better decisions about what the page does, especially around power usage and background tasks. Take a look at the Page Visibility Test Drive to see how a Web application can be aware of whether the page is visible or not to the user.

The Page Visibility API is now available through vendor prefixed implementations in IE10 and Chrome 13.

The developer can adjust or scale back what work the page does based on visibility. For example, if a Web based email client is visible, it may check the server for new mail every few seconds. When hidden it might scale checking email to every few minutes. Other examples include a puzzle application that can be paused when the user no longer has the game visible or showing ads only if the page is visible to the user.

The Page Visibility specification enables developers to determine the current visibility of a document and be notified of visibility changes. It consists of two properties and an event:

  • document.hidden: A boolean that describes whether the page is visible or not.
  • document.visibilityState: An attribute that returns the detailed page visibility state, e.g., PAGE_VISIBLE, PAGE_PREVIEW, etc.
  • visibilitychange: An event that gets fired any time the visibility state of the page changes.

IE10 has prefixed these attributes and event with the ‘ms’ vendor prefix.

With this interface, Web applications may choose to alter behavior based on whether they are visible to the user or not. For example, the following JavaScript shows a theoretical Web based email client checking for new emails every second without knowledge of the Page Visibility:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Typical setInterval Pattern</title>
var timer = 0;
var PERIOD = 1000; // check for mail every second

function onLoad() 
   timer = setInterval(checkEmail, PERIOD);

function checkEmail() 
   debugMessage("Checking email at " + new Date().toTimeString());

function debugMessage(s) 
   var p = document.createElement("p");
<body onload="onLoad()">

Using Page Visibility, the same page can throttle back how often it checks email when the page is not visible:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Visibility API Example</title>
var timer = 0;
var PERIOD_VISIBLE = 1000; // 1 second
var PERIOD_NOT_VISIBLE = 10000; // 10 seconds
var vendorHidden, vendorVisibilitychange;

function detectHiddenFeature() 
   // draft standard implementation
   if (typeof document.hidden != "undefined") 
      vendorHidden = "hidden";
      vendorVisibilitychange = "visibilitychange";
      return true;
   // IE10 prefixed implementation
   if (typeof document.msHidden != "undefined") 
      vendorHidden = "msHidden";
      vendorVisibilitychange = "msvisibilitychange";
      return true;
   // Chrome 13 prefixed implementation
   if (typeof document.webkitHidden != "undefined") 
      vendorHidden = "webkitHidden";
      vendorVisibilitychange = "webkitvisibilitychange";
      return true;
   // feature is not supported
   return false;

function onLoad() 
   // if the document.hidden feature is supported, vary interval based on visibility.
   // otherwise, just use setInterval with a fixed time.
   if (detectHiddenFeature()) 
      timer = setInterval(checkEmail, document[vendorHidden] ? PERIOD_NOT_VISIBLE : PERIOD_VISIBLE);
      document.addEventListener(vendorVisibilitychange, visibilityChanged);
      timer = setInterval(checkEmail, PERIOD_VISIBLE);

function checkEmail() 
   debugMessage("Checking email at " + new Date().toTimeString());

function visibilityChanged() 
   timer = setInterval(checkEmail, document[vendorHidden] ? PERIOD_NOT_VISIBLE : PERIOD_VISIBLE);
   debugMessage("Going " + (document[vendorHidden] ? "not " : "") + "visible at " + new Date().toTimeString());

function debugMessage(s) 
   var p = document.createElement("p");
<body onload="onLoad()">

With the Page Visibility API, Web developers can create more power conscious Web applications. To learn about other emerging API from the W3C Web Performance Working Group supported in the second IE10 Platform Preview, read my post on the requestAnimationFrame API (link).

—Jatinder Mann, Internet Explorer Program Manager

IEBlog: Using PC Hardware more efficiently in HTML5, Part 1

In this two part IEBlog article, I discuss how to use PC hardware more efficiently with the new Web Performance APIs.

5 Jul 2011 4:43 PM

Browsers need amazing performance to deliver on the promise of HTML5 applications. Web developers need API’s to efficiently take advantage of modern PC hardware through HTML5 and build high performance Web applications with efficient power use for great, all around customer experiences. The second IE10 Platform Preview supports three emerging API’s from the W3C Web Performance Working Group which enable developers to make the most of the underlying hardware and use battery power more efficiently: requestAnimationFrame, Page Visibility and setImmediate.

Together with Google, Mozilla, and others on the W3C Web Performance Working Group and the community, we designed these new API’s over the last three months. These three API’s are a great example of how quickly new ideas can become interoperable standards developers can depend on in modern HTML5 enabled browsers.

This post details how to use the requestAnimationFrame API for better performance and power efficiency.

requestAnimationFrame API: like setTimeout, but with less wasted effort

Web developers can now schedule animations to reduce power consumption and choppiness. For example, animations today generally occur even when a Web site is in a background tab, minimized, or otherwise not visible, wasting precious battery life. Animations today are not generally aligned with the display’s refresh rate, causing choppiness in the animation. Until the requestAnimationFrame API, the Web platform did not provide an efficient means for Web developers to schedule graphics timers for animations.

Let’s take a look at an example. Most animations use a JavaScript timer resolution of less than 16.7ms to draw animations, even though most monitors can only display at 16.7ms periods (at 60Hz frequency). The first graph below represents the 16.7ms display monitor frequency. The second graph represents a typical setTimout or setInterval of 10ms. In this case, the consumer will never see every third draw because another draw will occur before the display refreshes. This overdrawing results in choppy animations as every third frame is being lost. Reducing the timer resolution can also negatively impact battery life by up to 25%.

Figure: At top, each arrow represents a monitor refresh at 16.7ms periods. Below is a 10ms page redraw cycle. Every third redraw is wasted because the monitor will never show it. The result is choppy animations and wasted battery.

The requestAnimationFrame API is similar to the setTimeout and setInterval API’s developers use today. The key difference is that it notifies the application when the browser needs to update the screen, and only when the browser needs to update the screen. It keeps Web applications perfectly aligned with the browser’s painting, and uses only the necessary amount of resources.

If you take a look at this requestAnimationFrame example, you will notice that even though the animations look identical, the clock drawn with requestAnimationFrame is always more efficient in power consumption, background interference and CPU efficiency than the setTimeout clock.

The requestAnimationFrame animation (right) is more efficient in power consumption, background interference and CPU efficiency than the setTimeout animation (left).

It is a simple change to upgrade your current animations to use this new API. If you are using setTimeout(draw, PERIOD); in your code, you can replace it with requestAnimationFrame. The requestAnimationFrame API is the furthest along of these three API’s with vendor prefixed interoperable implementations available starting with Firefox 4, Chrome 13, and IE10.

Remember, requestAnimationFrame only schedules a single callback, like setTimout, and if subsequent animation frames are needed, then requestAnimationFrame will need to be called again from within the callback. In this Platform Preview, IE implements the API with a vendor prefix like other browsers. Here is an example of how to write cross-browser mark-up that is future proof:

// Future-proof: when feature is fully standardized
if (window.requestAnimationFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame(draw);
// IE implementation
else if (window.msRequestAnimationFrame) window.msRequestAnimationFrame(draw);
// Firefox implementation
else if (window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(draw);
// Chrome implementation
else if (window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame) window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(draw);
// Other browsers that do not yet support feature
else setTimeout(draw, PERIOD);

Thank you, to everyone in the W3C Web Performance Working Group for helping design these APIs, and thanks to other browsers, for starting to implement these APIs with an eye towards interoperability. With these APIs, Web developers can create a faster and more power conscious Web.

—Jatinder Mann, Internet Explorer Program Manager

IEBlog: Debugging Common Canvas Issues

I wrote this article on the IEBlog discussing common Canvas debugging issues:

8 Sep 2010 3:12 PM

As we’ve previously discussed, IE9 includes support for HTML5 canvas. You can test it out right now by downloading the latest platform preview. In our testing of sites that use the latest web standards, we are pleased to see that many canvas sites just work in IE9. For those of you using <canvas> on your site, we have two tips to make sure it works properly across browsers and in IE9: use feature detection instead of browser detection, and use <!DOCTYPE html>.

Be sure to use feature detection instead of browser detection

If you are using browser detection, such as automatically falling back to a non-canvas implementation if you detect that the user is using an IE User Agent string, you may be blocking HTML5 content from rendering in IE9. Instead of doing browser detection, you should
do feature detection
to check if the user’s browser has a certain capability. For instance, you can use this code to check if your user’s browser supports canvas:

var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); 
if (canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d")) 
   // Code requiring canvas support 
   // Canvas isn't available. Put non-canvas fallback here 

This eliminates the need for you to make assumptions about current browser feature support and ensures your site will continue to work as browsers evolve. We explain more about feature detection in this post.

How to check if the user’s browser supports Canvas:

  • DO: Canvas feature detection code
  • DON’T: Browser detection using User Agent string
  • DON’T: Conditional comments

Make sure your site is in IE9 mode

By default, if your site is following web standards, such as using a standards DOCTYPE, IE9 will render it in standards mode. You can check if your site is in this mode by bringing up the Developer Tools (press F12) and checking to see if your site is in IE9 standards Document Mode.

Canvas is a new feature only supported in IE9 standards mode – a design decision we took to ensure that legacy document modes remain fully backward compatible. If you see a Document Mode for your site other than IE9 standards, HTML5 elements like canvas won’t be displayed. For example, if you don’t have a DOCTYPE in your page, IE9 will display the site in Quirks Mode. To ensure your page works as expected in IE9, we recommend that you add a strict DOCTYPE to your webpages. For example, you could add the W3C HTML5 DOCTYPE:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Or you can use a common strict DOCTYPE such as this:


You can read more about how IE determines the document mode here.

Interoperability and Canvas

Interoperability is a high priority for IE9, to the point where we recommend sending IE9 the same standards-based markup your site sends to other browsers. Most canvas sites should just work on IE9 if the site was originally developed for another browser. That being said, there are a few behavior differences between browsers. For instance, consider the shadow demo from the Canvas Pad test drive site.

This is one example of a canvas feature that is rendered a little differently in each browser. We are making IE9 interoperable whenever possible, but for some canvas features, other browsers do not have a complete or correct implementation. In these cases, we follow the W3C spec. We submit test cases to the W3C as a way to help ensure everyone agrees on how the spec should be interpreted and implemented. To learn more about our shadow implementation, check out our canvas tests from the IE Test Center.

The purpose of the W3C spec is to define a standard that all browsers should follow. If we find examples where browsers uniformly behave differently from the spec, we feel that spec should be updated to reflect the interoperable behavior, if it makes sense for web developers. For instance, HTMLFrameElement did not contain the contentWindow attribute in the W3C spec; however IE8, Firefox, and Chrome all support this attribute. We filed a bug with a proposed change, and the HTML5 editor updated the latest revision of the spec.

If something looks unexpected in IE9 and you believe it is an interoperability issue or an area where we deviate from the spec, please let us know by filing a bug with Microsoft Connect. One of our goals around the platform previews and the beta of IE9 is to give our users a chance to give us as much feedback as possible, so don’t hesitate to let us know if you think you see a bug!


Elizabeth Ford and Jatinder Mann

Program Managers, Internet Explorer

IEBlog: IE9 Includes Hardware Accelerated Canvas

In this IEBlog post, Paul and I announce Internet Explorer 9 support for HTML5 Canvas:

1 Jul 2010 6:24 PM

With the recent release of the latest IE9 platform preview, we talked about how we’re rebuilding the browser to use the power of your whole PC to browse the web, and to unlock a new class of HTML5 applications. One area that developers are especially excited about is the potential of HTML5 canvas. Like all of the graphics in IE9, canvas is hardware accelerated through Windows and the GPU. In this blog post we discuss some of the details behind canvas and the kinds of things developers can build.

Canvas enables everything from basic shapes to fully interactive graphics

Canvas is a way to program graphics on the web. The <canvas> tag is an immediate mode 2d drawing surface that web developers can use to deliver things like real time graphs, animations or interactive games without requiring any extra downloads.

At the most basic level, canvas enables you to draw primitives like lines, rectangles, arcs, Bezier curves, quadratic curves, images and video like the following:

This image is a simulation of what you’d see in a canvas enabled browser.

Please use the IE9 preview to see these examples running in canvas.

The Canvas Pad demo on the IE test drive site goes into detail on the canvas syntax and enables you to easily experiment with a wide range of examples. Feel free to make changes to any of the samples that are there to see how it works — for example, try changing colors or sizes of things.

Taking things a step further, you can use JavaScript to animate canvas drawings or make interactive experiences. The next example draws lines as you move your mouse (or as you move your finger on touch enabled devices) over the black box. You could also choose to have your canvas experience react to keyboard input, mouse clicks or any browser event.

This image is a simulation of what you’d see in a canvas enabled browser.

With canvas support in IE9, you can move your mouse over the black box and draw lines.

By utilizing the full power of the PC with hardware acceleration for graphics and fast JavaScript for animation, web developers can use IE9 to build deep, graphically rich experiences. Since canvas is an element like other elements in HTML, it participates in the page layout and its API is exposed to JavaScript so it can be fully incorporated into a web page’s design. This makes it possible for sites to include things like live data visualizations, games, splash pages and ads without the need for any extra downloads or plugins.

The IE testdrive site includes several examples that demonstrate the kinds of things that sites are now able to do in an interoperable way.


The Amazon Shelf shows what shopping for books could look like when the web site designer is able to use the kind of graphics, animations and smooth transitions that canvas enables.

Immersive game experiences:

The following demos showcase some gaming concepts like physics, character animation, collision detection and mouse interaction coupled with hardware accelerated graphics. In these demos, you’ll notice that not all browsers can update the screen with the same frequency (FPS or frames per second). IE is able to maintain a high FPS by using Windows technologies to make use of your GPU – your computer’s hardware that’s optimized for rendering graphics.

FishIE Tank

This demo makes use of sprites to animate the fish and basic collision logic to redirect the fish when they hit the edges of the tank. It’s also good for measuring graphics performance because you can change the number of fish to increase or decrease the graphics load.

Asteroid Belt

The asteroid in the demo follows your mouse, scales and rotates. It’s an example of direct interactivity that you might find in a game.

Mr. Potato Gun

A physics engine in this demo defines how the different parts of Mr. Potato head are launched from the gun and then how they react when they bounce off the ground. Many games use some form of physics engine like this to manage particle movement and their response.

Canvas Zoom

This demo enables you to start with a very wide angle on an image like this mountain range and then zoom in very close image like people at a picnic. For games, it’s an interesting example of scaling and smooth transitions.

Demos from around the web:

There are some pretty amazing demos floating around the web and I’d like to share a couple of our favorites — there are many more. An important part of implementing canvas is that we do it in an interoperable way so that developers can use the same markup. To help achieve this goal, we’re always looking for examples that work and those that don’t. A future canvas blog post will go into detail about how we work to be interoperable and what we do when there’s an issue reported.

I hope you enjoy some of these canvas examples from people around the web.

Cloth Simulation

This demo is interactive and the cloth is responsive to movement and gravity.


The shapes in this drawing app are preserved so you can select and then move, resize, or change their styling.

Liquid Particles

The particles in this demo are drawn to or repelled from the mouse.


This one does a nice job of drawing you in – it’s engaging and interesting to watch the patterns as they evolve.

Nebula Visualization

The alpha blending used by this demo are really well done. The result is a cloudy atmospheric look. It’s graphics intensive and it’s still very fast and smooth in IE9.

Animated Reflection

The author of this demo says, “The script is currently using 80% of my cpu so it’s not really practical. Hopefully we will be getting JIT’d javascript sometime soon.” Well, now JavaScript is compiled in IE9. It generally uses about 1% of my CPU.

Asteroids in Canvas

This is a full game with nice graphics, collision detection, keyboard interactivity, score keeping and… green lasers.

Particle Animation

See your name in lights. This is another demo that includes a particle system. You can run this with 300 or 1500 sprites. Go ahead and bump it up to 1500.

We’re looking forward to seeing the kinds visual experiences web developers will be able to build with a fully hardware accelerated browser.

Give it a try yourself. Watch the videos, get the latest platfrom preview, try out the canvas demos and build some examples of your own. If you find a bug in how canvas works or where the same markup behaves differently, please report bugs on Connect.

– Thanks, Paul Cutsinger and Jatinder Mann